Know thy self by action and not by thought

Friday, December 09, 2005

Its Friday

Another week missed for Illustration Friday. What can I do? Ive been so busy lately, mostly with work, staying late. Getting home at 8 or later, eat, bath, go to bed, no time for anything. Yesterday was my first day I got off at a resonable time and I went Christmas shopping.

The list is starting to look a little smaller. I love picking out things for other people, I try to get something that I know they will like but would never buy for them selves, especially my mom. I asked her awhile ago what she wanted for Christmas, she says by me a couple of nice pairs of underwear and that will be great, lol. She is so selfless, always worrying about everyone else. I have her a few things that I know she will love.

I also took some really nice pictures last of Christmas senses downtown. The city is beautiful right now, with all the lights and Christmas trees. I will post some later. I also have to post some pictures from last weekend, but that is another story.

This weekend will be filled with more shopping, wrapping presents, and maybe going to see the band Against Me on Saturday night.

Only 13 days and I will be in PEI, and on my way to Newfoundland.

And then this morning, I woke up to a Winter Wonderland. Just Beautiful.


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